Scott Branson
Founder and Executive Director of Renaissance Creations, there's nothing he can't do when it comes to houses. The speed at which he climbs ladders has been compared to a squirrel climbing a tree.
Sherridan Smee
Sherridan is a Knoxville native with a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Tennessee and a background in both nonprofit work and film production. She loves any opportunity to be creative for a purpose.
Johnathan Branson
A UT graduate with a heart for downtown Knoxville and restoring the homes in it, he has been a part of our team longer than anyone.
Katie Campbell Dollar
Katie is another transplant who has made Knoxville home over the past eight years. When she isn't managing Renaissance’s books, you may find her on the stage in a local play or running around after her daughter. Katie is the newest member of the Admin team.
Ben Lawton
Our resident crawl space guru and a fine finish carpenter. He's a Hoosier transplant from southern Indiana. He loves Knoxville and Renaissance Creations and we love having him on our team.
Tyrese Stewart
A born and raised Knoxvillian who loves to help out more than help himself. Renaissance Creations spotted his potential and added him to the construction team! Who says small people can’t do big things?